Block, Dodge, Parry, Version 2 SRD


Block, Dodge, Parry is licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0. You are free to copy, redistribute, remix, transform and build upon this material for any purpose, including commercially, under the condition that proper credit is given to Lars Huijbregts/Dice Goblin Games. You must also distribute your contributions under the same license (CC-BY-SA 4.0) as Block, Dodge, Parry itself.

Systems Reference Document

The following text contains essentially all of Block, Dodge, Parry, except for the full Careers and Skills. If you’d like to support the continuous development of Block, Dodge, Parry, and gain access to the fancy full (printable and easy-to-reference) PDF all the additional explanations, commentary and examples of the illustrated full version, you can find it on

More Block, Dodge, Parry

See for more of my work, and related blogposts.



Copyright © Lars Huijbregts. Block, Dodge, Parry is licensed under CC BY SA 4.0.