Character Creation

  1. Character Creation
    1. Name, Careers, Backgrounds
    2. Ability Scores
      1. Optional Rule: Luck
      2. Optional Rule: Age & Experience
    3. Hit Protection
    4. Fantasy Species
    5. Inventory
    6. Preferred Weapon
    7. Starting Gear

Name, Careers, Backgrounds

First, players pick their PC’s name, pronouns, appearance, and other such details. Next, they make up to 4 Career choices. A PC’s career informs their potential knowledge and skills. See Careers.

Ability Scores

Player Characters (PCs) have just three attributes: Strength (STR), Dexterity (DEX), and Willpower (WIL). When creating a PC, the players roll 3d6 for each of their character’s ability scores, in order. They may then swap any two of the results.

A value of 6 or lower makes a character weak in that ability, a value of 15 or higher strong. This can come into play within the fiction of the adventure. (It does not affect their abilities in combat.) The following descriptions can be used for characters with scores of 6 or lower, or 15 or higher:

Ability 6 or lower 15 or higher
STR Frail Tough
DEX Clumsy Deft
WIL Undisciplined Resolute

Optional Rule: Luck

Luck is an optional fourth Ability. A character starts with 10 Luck. Whenever you would otherwise roll a Die of Fate (d6) to determine an outcome or situation, the player rolls a d20 instead.

  • If they roll under their Luck, the situation favors them. For example: There is in fact a bale of hay under the window they are planning to jump out of. Gaining a favorable outcome in this way “burns” 1 Luck point — permanently.
  • If they roll equal to their Luck, they gain a favorable outcome and gain 1 Luck, as well. This is the only way to regain Luck.
  • If they roll above their Luck, the situation is unfavorable. This might mean there’s no bale of hay, or even that there’s a patch of brambles instead.

Luck can also be used to enhance Saves, after they’ve been rolled. If a PC makes a STR Save with a STR of 8 and they roll a 12, failing the Save, they can ‘burn’ 4 Luck to reduce their roll and instead succeed. Luck is intended to slowly run out over the course of a PC’s adventures. Choosing to use Luck should be an interesting dramatic choice.

Optional Rule: Age & Experience

Let players pick or roll for the starting age of their characters, which affects the number of their past careers and their Abilities. Strength is at its peak during their physical prime. Dexterity lessens over time, as one gets older and stiffer. Willpower increases as the mind fortifies itself over a long life.

1d6 Age & Experience Effect on STR Effect on DEX Effect on WIL
1 Young: Barely not a teenager anymore. 1 Career Skill. Age: 17+1d6. -1 +2 -2
2 Emerging: You’re starting to learn the ropes. Lowest of 2d4 Career Skills. Age: 23+1d10 0 +1 -1
3-4 Prime: You’re in your prime. 1d4 Career Skills. Age: 33+1d10 +1 0 0
5 Wizened: You’re getting up there. Highest of 2d4 Career Skills. Age: 43+1d10 0 -1 +1
6 Old: You’ve been around. 4 Career Skills. 53+1d10 -1 -2 +2

Hit Protection

Roll 1d6 to determine PC’s starting Hit Protection (HP), which reflects their ability to avoid damage in combat. HP does not indicate a character’s health or fortitude. Damage that cannot be guarded against (from unseen sources, or hazards such as falls, fire, or gas) bypass HP. Resting for a few moments, catching one’s breath, and having a drink of water restores lost HP. (For more, see Healing on page 11.)

Fantasy Species

If desired, players can pick one of the following attributes, to play as a fantasy species of their choice.

  • Tough (dwarves, orcs, etc.) — Once per day, when you would be reduced to 0 hp, you may choose to be reduced to 1 hp instead.
  • Arcane (elves, demons, etc.) — Once per day, you can attempt to perform a minor magical feat related to your ancestry: Describe what you would like to happen. The Warden will decide if any Ability Saves need to be made.
  • Cunning (halflings, goblins, etc.) — Once per day, you may reroll any saving throw.
  • Adaptable (humans, half-humans, etc.) — Once per day, you may choose to use a different Ability for a Save, instead of the one the Warden asks for.


A character’s inventory represents both their literal equipment, as well as a “stamina bar” of sorts, through Fatigue (See Deprivation & Fatigue).

Characters have 10 inventory slots in total. Unless noted otherwise, items take up one slot. Small items can be bundled together. Bulky items take up two slots and are typically two-handed or awkward to carry.

Items in inventory are either equipped (when in active use) or stored (efficiently tucked away in a backpack or on their person).

Any character with all inventory slots filled (by gear or Fatigue) is reduced to 0 HP, as they cannot effectively defend themselves.

Preferred Weapon

When creating a character, the player chooses one Damage Type Proficiency (bludgeoning, piercing, slashing) to be proficient in. This means they gain the benefits that the damage type gives, such as bludgeoning ignoring 1 Armor (see Weapon Skills). They also choose one weapon to gain Weapon Skill Proficiency in, meaning they can use the weapon’s tag (Bleed, Brutal, Shock) right away. They can also add this weapon to their inventory.

Starting Gear

New player characters start with the following. See Weapons, Armor & Gear for more information.

  • Three days’ rations (1 slot)
  • A waterskin (Usage die of 8)
  • A torch
  • A flint and steel (weightless)
  • A backpack
  • A trinket of one of their past careers
  • 3d6 coins
  • One false and one true rumor about the region
  • Weapon and armor: pick one
    • Light armor (1 Armor) and 2 Fast (d6) weapons
    • A shield (1 Armor) and a Balanced (d8) weapon
    • Medium Armor (2 Armor, Bulky) and a Slow (d10) weapon

Copyright © Lars Huijbregts. Block, Dodge, Parry is licensed under CC BY SA 4.0.