Tools & Tables

Table of contents
  1. Tools & Tables
    1. Generic Jobs
    2. Arcane Words of Power
      1. Adapt
      2. Charm
      3. Cloak
      4. Detect
      5. Dispel
      6. Fly
      7. Haste
      8. Knock
      9. Light
      10. Move
      11. Protect
      12. Read
      13. Send Message
    3. Vantage Points & Points of Interest
      1. Distance
      2. Vantage Point
      3. Camp
      4. Cave Entrance
      5. Ancient Shrine
      6. Crumbling Ruin
      7. People
      8. Beasts
    4. Finding A Trainer
    5. Further Reading

Generic Jobs

Category Jobs
Archeology Retrieve relics, find/explore/map ruins, discover ancient lore. Work for institutions, historians, private collectors, magic-users.
Cartography Discover optimal travel routes, explore distant landmarks, map points of interest. Work for nobles, landowners, exploration societies.
Couriers Transport mail and packages, escort valuable payloads. Work for trade caravans, merchants, nobles.
Mercenaries Patrol regions, fight bandits/insurgents/enemy armies, guard outposts. Work for nobles, merchants, religious organizations.
Bandits Rob travelers, raid villages, patrol territory. Work for bandit chiefs or (secretly) nobles.
Bounty hunting Track down dangerous individuals, raid bandit camps, find thieves and murderers. Work for nobles, city guard, merchants.
Hunting Track down dangerous predators, hunt deer and such for food. Work for taverns and restaurants, hunter guilds, butchers.
Arcane supplies Collect ancient knowledge, gather alchemical ingredients, track down relics. Work for magic-users, court wizards, lone hermits.
Foraging Gather alchemical ingredients, herbs and spices, poisons, and antidotes. Work for shady figures (assassins), town healers, taverns.
Religion Spread faith, convert the non-believer, humanitarian work.

Arcane Words of Power


  • 1 MD: Acts as a warm coat in cold weather.
  • 2 MD: Allows you to breathe underwater.
  • 3 MD: Creates an arcane cocoon, granting the person inside invulnerability to everything outside (but also prohibiting any form of interaction).
  • 4 MD: Completely transforms your body to thrive in any environment, such as growing wings for flight, scales for extreme heat, or complete invulnerability to environmental hazards.


  • 1 MD: The target acts as if you’ve bought them a drink.
  • 2 MD: The target suddenly vaguely remembers you as a long-lost friend.
  • 3 MD: Completely overwrites any negative impression the target might have of you.
  • 4 MD: The target becomes utterly devoted to you, willing to follow your commands and defend you against others.


  • 1 MD: Summons a pile of dead leaves to dive into.
  • 2 MD: You become a shimmer, a suggestion of a shape.
  • 3 MD: You become virtually invisible.
  • 4 MD: You phase out of the physical realm entirely, becoming undetectable by all means, including magical ones.


  • 1 MD: Allows you to focus on your surroundings, as if you’re using a magnifying glass or set of binoculars.
  • 2 MD: Allows you to vaguely detect the aura of nearby beings.
  • 3 MD: You can pinpoint every being in a city-block radius.
  • 4 MD: You can see through all illusions, enchantments, and physical barriers within a large area, revealing hidden or disguised entities and objects.


  • 1 MD: As if you prod and poke at a ward with a stick, pliers, or rock salt. Like throwing a pebble on a landmine.
  • 2 MD: Dispel a simple enchantment or minor curse.
  • 3 MD: Completely dissect a complicated ward or curse.
  • 4 MD: Fundamentally undo magic for a while, restoring the natural order of reality.


  • 1 MD: Like using a really big sheet to slow your fall.
  • 2 MD: Controlled hovering, with a slight upwards motion.
  • 3 MD: Sprouting wings or transforming into a flying creature.
  • 4 MD: Achieve high-speed, long-distance flight, unaffected by environmental conditions, with perfect maneuverability and endurance.


  • 1 MD: Like drinking an invigorating beverage, shaking off the effects of exhaustion for a while.
  • 2 MD: Greatly increased agility and speed, allowing running for an hour without fatigue; things take half as long as they normally would.
  • 3 MD: Time briefly loses its grip on you; it’s as if you manifest effect without perceivable cause.
  • 4 MD: You move so quickly that you can perform several actions in the blink of an eye, appearing to teleport short distances and completing complex tasks instantaneously.


  • 1 MD: Causes an unlocked door to swing open, a lock to click and rattle until it is unlocked.
  • 2 MD: A heavy stone door is thrown open; a lock crumples into dust.
  • 3 MD: Castle gates are blasted open; all locks nearby cease to exist.
  • 4 MD: Open long-gone portals; reveal passages that aren’t even there.


  • 1 MD: A good alternative for a torch.
  • 2 MD: A handy, supernatural hovering light.
  • 3 MD: The entire area gets perfectly, evenly lit.
  • 4 MD: As if you’ve summoned the sun.


  • 1 MD: Prodding or pulling small objects nearby, as if affected by an invisible 10 ft. pole with a hook.
  • 2 MD: Effortlessly move an object with your mind, up to human-sized to a Far range.
  • 3 MD: As if you have manifested an invisible tornado.
  • 4 MD: Manipulate and rearrange large areas of terrain, moving massive objects and structures with ease, as if shifting the landscape itself.


  • 1 MD: Impair a specific type of damage towards yourself.
  • 2 MD: Protect your party from a certain element, impairing it.
  • 3 MD: Completely dispel a lingering hazard, such as poison or a dark aura.
  • 4 MD: Create a powerful barrier that makes you and your allies invulnerable to all harm for a limited time, deflecting even the most potent attacks and spells.


  • 1 MD: Just like keeping a common dictionary handy.
  • 2 MD: Like a mental tome of long-lost languages.
  • 3 MD: You can read anything: expressions, lies, languages, feelings.
  • 4 MD: Instantly comprehend the entire history and future of any object or being you focus on, uncovering all hidden knowledge and secrets.

Send Message

  • 1 MD: Like sending a letter; it takes a while and might get lost.
  • 2 MD: Instant mental communication between a small group of individuals over a short range.
  • 3 MD: Directly implant your thoughts into the mind of another being, anywhere.
  • 4 MD: Establish a permanent mental link with another being, allowing for continuous, untraceable communication across any distance or plane of existence.

Vantage Points & Points of Interest

A Discovery Wilderness Event can be as simple as a forgotten cache or fallen adventurer. It can also be a point of interest, or a vantage point revealing a point of interest.

While traveling, you spot…

1d6 Result
1-3 A Point of Interest
4-6 A Vantage Point

…at a Distance.


1d6 Result
1 Close by: easy to reach; short travel time
2-5 Not too far away: a short walk or small challenge
6 Quite far away: a long walk or difficult challenge

The point of interest can be…

1d6 Result
1 A plume of smoke, indicating a camp
2 A cave entrance
3 An ancient shrine
4 A crumbling ruin
5 A vantage point
6 Roll twice

Vantage Point

1d4 Result
1 Old watchtower
2 Small hill
3 Climbable tree
4 Big, jutting rock


1d6 Result
1-2 Recently abandoned. 1d6: (1-2) There are still some supplies (3-6) Nothing beside remains.
3-4 In use by People.
5-6 Recently attacked by Beasts.

Cave Entrance

The cave is…

1d6 Result
1 Just one chamber big
2-5 1d4+1 chambers big
6 2d4+2 chambers big

and is occupied by…

1d6 Result
1-2 People
3-4 Beasts
5-6 No one; abandoned

Ancient Shrine

The shrine…

1d6 Result
1-3 is unremarkable and mundane.
4-5 aids the journey through supplies left here.
6 aids the journey through some magical blessing.

Crumbling Ruin

This ruin is of a…

1d6 Result
1 Temple
2-3 Outpost
4-5 Lodge
6 Castle

and is occupied by…

1d6 Result
1-2 People
3 Beasts
4-6 No one; abandoned

and contains…

1d6 Result
1-3 Nothing of note
4-5 A cache of hidden supplies and treasure
6 A dungeon


1d10 Result
1 Fellow travelers
2 Merchants
3 Monks
4 Pilgrims
5 Rangers
6 Hunters and trappers
7-9 Bandits
10 Bandits posing as Roll a d6 on this table


1d6 Result
1-2 Wild Dogs
3-4 Boars
5 Wolves
6 Bears

Finding A Trainer

The trainer is…

1d20 Result
1-12 …where you expect them to be; they are a normal member of society.
13 …retired.
14 …isolated from society, living the hermit life. Getting to them will not be easy.
15 …the head of a prestigious institution.
16 …hiding in plain sight.
17 …in prison.
18 …kidnapped.
19 …on retainer for the local lord.
20 …a member of a rival adventuring party.

This person is willing to teach their skills…

1d20 Result 1d20 Result
1 …for the usual fee. 11 …only to those who fulfill their desire for revenge.
2 …for double the usual fee. 12 …only to those who clearly possess a strong sense of justice.
3 …only to members of the same social class as them. 13 …only to those who would cause chaos and mayhem with it.
4 …only to members of the same organization or guild. 14 …if you are able to defeat three of their other students, in a variety of challenges involving strength, dexterity, and willpower.
5 …only to those with similar goals. 15 …if you are able to return their missing pet.
6 …only to those who prove themselves worthy in a friendly contest. 16 …if you can do something good for the community first.
7 …only to those who would use these skills responsibly. 17 …if you can provide them with some valuable information they have been seeking.
8 …only to close friends. 18 …if you are able to prove your loyalty and dedication to their cause or ideology.
9 …only to those who can solve their riddle. 19 …if you can teach them something in return.
10 …only to those who prove themselves worthy by fetching a rare plant or animal skin or a particular mushroom. 20 …if you can prove that you don’t need the skill.

Further Reading is continuously updated with new mechanics, tools and tables that fit right into Block, Dodge, Parry.

Copyright © Lars Huijbregts. Block, Dodge, Parry is licensed under CC BY SA 4.0.