Block, Dodge, Parry started out as a toolbox for running Cairn. Over time, through playtesting and feedback, it has developed into what you have in front of you know; both a toolbox and a complete TTRPG.
The core gameplay loop of any TTRPG always comes down to the following:
- The Warden (or Game-/Dungeon Master) describes the scene.
- The players ask clarifying questions (return to 1) or the players describe their next action.
- The Warden determines whether this action involves risk, chance, skill, or anything that requires the involvement of dice.
- If dice will be used, the Warden describes the stakes and possible outcomes, and the player(s) roll. Return to 1.
- If no dice will be used, the Warden simply describes what happens. Return to 1.
That’s basically all you need to run an RPG! A lot of the fun and flavor comes from procedures — standardized methods to handle specific situations, designed to invoke particular feelings or vibes. That’s what this book is: a whole bunch of procedures for you to plug into your Cairn (or other system!) game. These procedures vary in complexity and usage. To summarize the tools and sections of this book:
- If something sudden and unexpected happens to the PCs and they respond nearly out of instinct, roll an Ability Save.
- If a PC wants to undertake a specific action of which the outcome is uncertain (or if failure of the action would be interesting), use the Time, Gear, Skill framework.
- If a PC wants to undertake a process or task that has multiple steps or stages, each of which can fail (or cause delays), check the Complex Task system.
- If a PC is at odds with an NPC, they can just talk it out. If that fails, you can rule on their debate, negotiation, or discussion using Social Conflict.
- If things move past the talking stage and weapons are drawn, see the Combat and Weapon rules.
- When navigating the wilderness, see Wilderness for procedures.
- When delving into a dungeon (or a similarly dangerous environment), see Dungeons for procedures.
Beyond procedures, Block, Dodge, Parry allows players to easily make cool characters that fit the ideas they come to the table with. For that, see Character Creation and Careers & Skills. This also includes extensive rules on organic, in-universe character progression and advancement — all without levels and classes!
This is version 2 of Block, Dodge, Parry. It’s been entirely revised, with numerous tweaks, updates, and upgrades, based on the playtesting experiences of myself and the community.